The rain it raineth

At the time when we would usually set out for Sainsbury’s, it was raining hard and the weather forecast was warning of severe thunderstorms. We decided to wait for a promised clearing later in the morning.

Farmers’ Market
Farmers’ Market

When the rain did pause, we went to Chapel Market to have lunch before shopping. We were surprised to find our usual favourite, Cafe Sizzles, closed.

Rainy Chapel Market
Rainy Chapel Market

Though the market was open, a number of the usual stalls were missing and the market was hardly crowded with customers. Open markets are vulnerable to bad weather.

Chapel Cafe
Chapel Cafe

We had recourse to our second choice, called the Chapel Cafe. The food is good and the prices reasonable.

Walking through Chapel Market
Walking through Chapel Market

Sainsbury’s was fairly busy, no doubt because we were there later than usual. Afterwards, we passed through Chapel Market…

Inside Mercer’s
Inside Mercer’s

…to call in at Mercer’s for coffee.

We returned home to put away our purchases and drink our coffee bought at Mercer’s. Our next call was to the “Cutting Bar” in White Lion Street where we both had our hair cut.

Sunshine in Upper Street
Sunshine in Upper Street

When we left the Cutting Bar, the weather was sunny and pleasant and so we decided to walk to Islington Green and to the branch of Caffè Nero there.

Approaching Islington Green
Approaching Islington Green

Yesterday, there had been a protest near here when members of the group Just Stop Oil superglued themselves to the road, blocking traffic and causing delays to the bus services. We didn’t see the protesters ourselves but this Guardian article reports it with a photograph.

How do the police tackle protesters superglued to the the road and other places? Apparently, they have a fluid which dissolves the glue. They are not saying what it is exactly, perhaps wisely.

At Caffè Nero
At Caffè Nero

At Caffè Nero, Tigger grabbed a table while I queued to buy our coffees.

A green wall
A green wall

We returned via Berners Road from where we have a view of this green wall which always intrigues me. I suppose it must maintained but have no idea what that involves.

Liverpool Road
Liverpool Road

We crossed Liverpool Road (very close to Sainsbury’s) and entered Ritchie Street.

Angel Primary School Now closed
Angel Primary School
Now closed

In Ritchie Street stands this large school building called the Angel Primary School. I don’t know when it was built but would guess an early date in the 20th century.

Infants’ entrance
Infants’ entrance

This entrance has the word “Infants” engraved above it. Whether it was still used as such or whether that precise use had lapsed, I di not know. Sad to say, the school closed fir the last time on August 31st this year. What is its future? Perhaps like other closed schools in the area, it will become a residential block.


Over 24 hours have elapsed since we first fired up our wireless broadband router from Three. It is still working very satisfactorily. I would be rash to judge the issue after so short a time but if the router continues to perform this well, then I have no doubt that we will adopt it.

I have carried out numerous speed tests using online websites. They all give different results! Their results range from 130 Mbps to 180 Mbps which is 10 or more times faster than our existing Internet connection. That is using 4G and when 5G finally arrives in our district we can expect an even better performance.

Update: see The experiment fails.

About SilverTiger

I live in Islington with my partner, "Tigger". I blog about our life and our travels, using my own photos for illustration.
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